Segunda Marquetalia: Peace Talks with Colombian Government

The Segunda Marquetalia is a group founded by FARC commanders that returned to the conflict in 2019 after declaring that the Government had failed to implement the agreements made in the 2016 Peace Accord.

This group mainly operates around the Colombia/Venezuela border.

29 August 2019

The Segunda Marquetalia is born

A year after his disappearance from the Territorial and Reincorporation Space of Miravalle (Caquetá), the former FARC-EP chief peace negotiator, Ivan Márquez, reappears, announcing to the world that he and three former FARC commanders are returning to arms.

Marquez states the reason for this is the betrayal of the 2016 Peace Accord by the Governments of ex-presidents Juan Manuel Santos and Ivan Duque.

April 2023

The Segunda Marquetalia grows

The Segunda Marquetalia are estimated to have 1,670 members and around 1,060 combatants according to security agency reports.

9 February 2024

Formal peace talks begin

Petro’s government announces “a process of sociopolitical talks that conduce to the signing of a peace accord” with Ivan Marquez and the Segundo Marquetalia.

This opens a legal debate on the implications of negotiating with the commanders of this group, who were already signatories to the 2016 Peace Accord before returning to arms.

26 April 2024

Government suspends arrest warrants

Colombia’s chief prosecutor suspends the arrest warrants of nine Segunda Marquetalia commanders.

Former FARC commander Ivan Marquez is also granted political status.

These actions pave the way for peace negotiations between the armed group and the government.

14 June 2024

Colombia Aims for Peace Deal in 2 Years

The government’s negotiating team announce that they hope to sign and begin implementing a peace deal with the Segunda Marquetalia before Petro leaves office in 2026.

25 June 2024

Peace Talks Begin

Talks between the government and Segunda Marquetalia begin in Caracas.

Although reported by some outlets, there is not yet a unilateral ceasefire in place.

The government is also engaged in Peace Talks, with the EMC and the ELN.