The Tribunal, a film created by Malcolm Rogge in partnership with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, follows the experiences...
The Tribunal, a film created by Malcolm Rogge in partnership with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, follows the experiences...
At the beginning of September 2024, Global Witness published their Annual Defenders Report entitled “Missing Voices: The violent erasure of...
The armed conflict in Colombia has lasted for over 50 years. Peace negotiations, like the historic Peace Accord between the...
Despite the ongoing peace talks in Colombia with a variety of armed groups, and the increased efforts by the Gustavo...
Disappearance is one of the most horrendous crimes against humanity. Families live in hope, despite the odds that their loved...
Despite global awareness and widespread condemnation, conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) remains a pervasive issue around the world today.[i] In Colombia,...
This landmark case recognises the rights of the victims. The case against Chiquita Brands won recognition of the atrocities suffered...
This International Women’s Day, 8 February 2024, ABColombia would like to draw attention to Colombia’s progress in developing and implementing...
As ABColombia previously reported, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) visited Colombia between 7 and 11 February 2024. The delegation’s...
Information from Cajar, read the Alerta Urgente here. On 27 February 2024, the Wiwa Indigenous Peoples, together with Colombian human...