09.08202409/08/2024 International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024By ABColombiaIn Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace Processes, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags HRDs, Human Rights, Indigenous, Peace Accord According to the most recent Colombian Census, carried out in 2018, the country’s Indigenous population numbers around 1,905,617 individuals belonging...
05.03202405/03/2024 UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace ProcessesTags Afro-Colombian, Civil Society, Human Rights, Indigenous, Peace, Peace Accord, Women As ABColombia previously reported, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) visited Colombia between 7 and 11 February 2024. The delegation’s...
02.11202320/12/2023 Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceBy ABColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, WomenTags conflict, Human Rights, Peace, Peace Accord, Peace in Colombia, Women Marking a new milestone in Colombia’s transitional justice process, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has opened Macrocase 11 after...
13.10202319/10/2023 Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Civil Society, conflict, Human Rights, Peace, Peace Accord, Peace in Colombia It is with grave concern that ABColombia has received reports from our partners on clashes between armed groups in the...