Write to your MP On 24 September 2020 in the event How do Mining Companies Silence and Nullify the Actions...
Tag: Extractives
Letter of Concern to Colombian Government: Forced Eviction of El Rocío
By ABColombiaIn Extractives, Land, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Cerrejon, Communities, Extractives, Forced Eviction, Mining, Vulnerable Communities
On 27 August 2019, ABColombia sent a letter to the Colombian president Ivan Duque and other key figures in the...
ABColombia signs further open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon and Colombian Government
By ABColombiaIn Extractives, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Cerrejon, Communities, Extractives, Justice, Land, Protection, Vulnerable Communities
On 14 August 2019, ABColombia signed another joint open letter written by London Mining Network. This letter is following up...
ABColombia signs open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon, Colombia
By ABColombiaIn Extractives, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Cerrejon, Communities, Constitutional Court, Extractives, Human Rights, Indigenous, La Guajira
The following open letter was sent on Monday 8 July 2019 to Cerrejon Coal and its multinational corporate owners. Coal...
While the UK prepares for Colombia President Duque’s visit, violence against Human Rights Defenders and communities exacerbates
By ABColombiaIn Conflict, News, Press, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Choco, Colombian Politics, conflict, Extractives, HRDs, Human Rights, Peace Accord
London – 7 June 2019: A week ahead of Colombia President Duque’s visit to the UK, the prominent Colombian Human...